Our Team

Ed Butowsky, Chapwood Investments

Ed Butowsky, Founder & Managing Partner

Ed Butowsky began his more than 30 years in the financial services industry at Morgan Stanley, where he was a senior vice president in private wealth management and the firm’s top producer nationally as well as the first adviser to surpass $1 billion in assets under management.

Butowsky was featured in “Broke,” the critically acclaimed ESPN “30 for 30” documentary that chronicles professional athletes and their financial experiences, and in the most popular Sports Illustrated article ever: “How (and Why) Athletes Go Broke.”

In 2021, Ed released his second book, Never Go Broke: Investment Guide for Professional Athletes to teach up-and-coming athletes how to help manage risk and manage money with their future in mind.

Ed has created a legacy of expert investment knowledge and is viewed as a “go-to” source of wisdom for both pro athletes and successful business owners alike.

Jordan McFarland, Chapwood Investments

Jordan McFarland, Head of Athlete Partnerships

Jordan’s journey into the world of investments commenced right after his baseball career, which included being drafted by the Washington Nationals in 2016 and playing at the University of Arkansas.

However, it was during his transition into the financial sector that he realized a profound disparity going on. The financial industry seemed to favor investment advisors over the very athletes they were meant to serve.

Today, Jordan is dedicated to preparing athletes for "their second life" they will eventually transition into after their playing careers are over. Drawing from his own athletic background and professional experience, he understands the unique challenges athletes face from having to trust people with important decisions and receiving requests from new people every week.

His mission is clear: to help ensure that financial worries are never a burden on an athlete's mind.

Jordan, with his remarkable journey and commitment, empowers athletes to help reach their financial goals as they embark on the next exciting phase of their lives. Under Ed’s tutelage, Jordan aims to become a one-stop shop for athletes nationally for years to come.

Make the most of your opportunity.